April and May Web Seminars are Available

The April and May Web Seminar schedule has been updated and is ready for your review.  Attend one of our Web Seminars and see how much more efficient you can be!  They’re fun, last just 30 minutes and they’re FREE!

Click here to view the Web Seminar schedule

Uprade to New Server is Complete

In the continuing effort to provide the very best performance we have once again upgraded our Relocation Specialist front-end server.  Your annual Maintenance fees helped pay for the thousands of dollars invested in new equipment.  All components of the server now have larger capacity and perform faster than previous versions.

The transition to the new server has been in the works for the last couple months.  Tests of all features were completed early this month on an interim cloud server, and all work was to be completed by 3:00AM Friday morning.  We appreciate the patience of those who had brief interruptions of service last Friday as we worked through the last-minute challenges.


And The Winner Is…

Congratulations to Nancy Hudnall with the VIP Realty Group, Inc. in Florida!  Nancy is the winner of the Apple iPad we announced in the February 20th blog.

The ReloSpec411 Blog is the best way to know the latest announcements and newest features in Relocation Specialist.  Hundreds are now registered on the blog and we thank you for wanting to stay in touch.  We know it isn’t easy to “stop chopping and sharpen the ax”, but when you do, it always saves time in the long run.

Stay tuned for another chance to win, coming soon!

The ReloSpec Team