

Color Code your Referrals List Records 

You can ‘Color Code’ records on the Referrals List page. Click the pencil to ‘open’ the record, and at the top of the page select the color you want from the Color Code droplist.

And, to find all records with the same Color Code, click SEARCH, select the color you want and APPLY FILTER.

New Webinars You Won’t Want to Miss!

Tuesday brings you two tips

New report: Activity Summary Compares 2 Years!

There is a new Advanced report that compares any date range for selected offices and compares the same date range for the same offices one year earlier in the same report.

From the REPORTS page, browse to the ‘Activity by Office – Condensed 2 Year’ (Advanced) report, enter your desired date range, select the Office(s) and click VIEW REPORT. It’s that simple!
ReloSpec Checkups Are A Success

In an effort to take full advantage of the many features in your ReloSpec database we are offering a FREE 15-minute checkup. During the checkup we’ll help you understand the features that will help you get more done in less time!

If it’s been more than six (6) months since your last checkup and would like us to review your system with you to identify specific areas where we can help, please contact Sue Farley at to schedule an appointment.

Add the ‘Referral Source’ to your records

Want a separate field for keeping track of the Referral Source such as “Website”, “Network” or any other choice? From the Utility Settings page you can add the selections you want to use, then after clicking the pencil in the Referrals List page you can make your choice.

To find the records having a certain Referral Source, click SEARCH, select your choice from the Referral Source droplist and APPLY FILTER.

URGENT Responses Now Available

One of the great things about the Relocation Specialist software is the ability for have the system send regular update requests to agents and have them respond.  Their responses go right into the Responses table where you can review them, the “process” them into the Notes table for each record.

Sometimes the agent may be providing a response that requires your immediate attention.  Now, when the agent clicks the link in the email to open the page and enter the Comments, the agent can mark the response “Urgent” by checking the box just above the SUBMIT button. 

When the response is viewed in the Responses page, all “Urgent” responses will be at the top of the page with the first two fields highlighted in yellow.  That way your attention will be drawn to the most important responses first. 

This is a free upgrade for all ReloSpec users.  Enjoy!

ReloSpec Issues

ReloSpec is experiencing some technical issues today. Please know we are working diligently to solve them.
So far today, here is what we know:
If emails are being sent with an attachment that is greater than about 80Kb you’ll get an error and the email won’t be sent. This is whether it is manually or with AutoPilot
Uploads for eGrabber are not working
All Advanced reports are not working

We may need to re-boot the servers.

we appreciate your patience while we work to resolve these issues.

The ReloSpec Team

On-Site Training Seminar Announced

Want some extra training on the greatest relocation software around? Do you want to hear and see how others are using ReloSpec to their advantage? Do you have some questions you’ve always wanted to ask?

An on-site Training Seminar will be held Tuesday, October 11th in Denver, CO. This will be held the afternoon before the Relocation Director’s Council conference (RDC) and just before the ERC conference at the same location. This seminar will be hosted by Jim Evans, President of Relocation Specialist software and will be from 1:00PM to 4:30PM. Cost is $200.

Please reserve your seat by contacting Jim Evans ( or 402/426-9542). We hope to see you there!