Report Update: Scorecard-Summary for Offices, Agents

Many of you reviewed the new Advanced ‘Scorecard – Summary’ report and let us know you appreciate the clean look and the ability to get results quickly.

However, a few of you have not been able to use the original report due to a large number of agents in your Agents table.  When selecting “All Agents” in the droplist there were too many for the report to process properly.

The original report is now two reports; the ‘Scorecard – Summary by Office’ and the ‘Scorecard – Summary by Agent’.  When you want to see results for one or more Offices choose the ‘…by Office’ version and when you want a report with one or more agents (not all agents) use the ‘…by Agent’ version.

Both reports group by Office(s), then Agents and will expand horizontally to display your unique Referral Status totals for each agent with one line per agent in a concise easy-to-read report.


Training Webinars Announced

Need some help getting beyond the ReloSpec basics?  Or perhaps you need some help with reports?  The ReloSpec Training Seminars page has been updated with the latest webinar schedule.

You may register for webinars over the next 3 weeks by going to the Web Seminar Schedule page.  It is found at the bottom-middle of the Main Menu page.  Or, click here to view the page and register for the webinar(s) of your choice.  Webinars generally last about 30 minutes and are free.

New Report: Scorecard – Summary

Are you looking for a report that provides a summary of referrals assigned to a specific agent or office?  The new ‘Scorecard – Summary’ report may be just what you need.  Here are some of the features of this report:

  1. It allows you to filter for any Date Range.  Notice that the date range is for all records received or sent and does not filter for Closed Date.  You only see records sent or received for your agent within the date range.
  2. You may filter for one specific agent or all agents within one specific Office or all offices.  If you want all the agents within an office or set of offices, select ALL from the Agent droplist then select only the Office(s) you want.
  3. The report will accommodate whatever Referral Status settings you are using.  The report will expand automatically to include the Status settings used during the date range.
  4. It also includes Sale Price totals and averages, Difference and averages between List and Sale prices as well as Difference and averages between BMA and Sale Price
  5. The report is a summary and displays just one line per agent.  Very concise!

It is likely that once this report is viewed there will be requests for new variations.  Please review it and let us know how we can help you.

To view the report click the REPORTS link and browse to the ‘Advanced’ report “Scorecard – Summary”.