ReloSpec Access Interrupted, for some

At approximately 11:00am Eastern time this morning the primary circuit, through Time Warner, failed. The fiber cable was accidentally cut.  At that point we automatically rolled over to our backup circuit without an issue, however some customers have not picked up the new path and are still attempting to access us through the down circuit. We are working with the provider to resolve this issue as quickly as possible.

This interruption affects only a certain area of the US and many ReloSpec users are not aware of any issue.  For those who are affected, access to ReloSpec will be restored as soon as your local router identifies the new location of the backup circuit.  That automatic process typically takes anywhere from 5 minutes to a few hours.

We suggest that you continue trying to login to ReloSpec regularly until access via your local router is restored.  We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

New Training Webinars Have Been Scheduled

Do you want to save time while using ReloSpec?  Do you want to learn about the latest (free!) features that have been added?  Or, do you want to brush up on something you should have learned a long time ago?

You can learn about the new ‘Show Agents’ link where you just enter the Client’s zip code and the Office(s) and Agents associated with that area are instantly displayed!  Or, how about the new Agent Lookup feature that allows you to search for ‘A-Team’ members or other filters?  Learn how to save time by using the Action Plans to instantly create the AutoPilots and other ToDo items.

A 30-minute investment of your time now will save you hours of time later!  Plus, they’re free!

The Web Seminars list has just been updated.  Click here to view the list.