Getting the most from your ReloSpec: REFERRAL SUBMIT FORM

This is the first in a series of blogs designed to help you get the most out of your Relocation Specialist (ReloSpec) software.  Today we’re looking at the Referral Submit Form.

This handy form can make life easier for you in so many ways!  Why re-enter new referral records when they can be submitted to you by someone else?  The following are a few ways that the Referral Submit Form may be used:

  1. Want to have others like contacts and agents submit referrals to you?  Include a link to the online form in your Email Signature.  This can be setup with just a few clicks.  From the Main Menu, click SETTINGS, USERS, click the pencil on your name, then in the Email Signature field click the Auto-Create button and OK.  Your email signature is created for you including a link labeled “Click here to Submit a Referral”.  Whenever  someone clicks the link and submits the form, the referral is received in your ReloSpec IMPORT table.  This link even includes your own name, so the incoming referral is assigned to you.
  2. Want to generate more outgoing leads?  Include the link that is in your Email Signature on your company’s website.  Next time an agent lists a home for someone moving outside your area, encourage them to click the link and submit the referral online.
  3. Or, if the link isn’t on your company’s website, you can always select the ‘Referral Submit Form’ in the FORMS page and email it to the agent.  He/she can submit the form and you receive it in your Import table.
  4. Coming soon…  We are developing the ‘Needs Analysis’ form that your clients can submit online.  Think of it as a Referral Submit form for the client, but with much more specific information.  When you have a client who wants to submit their own page with their needs/wants you’ll be able to receive it in the Import table and assign the appropriate agent.  Watch for an announcement soon on the Needs Analysis form.

If you need any help with the Referral Submit Form, or have any questions please let a member of the ReloSpec team know.  We’re here to help.