NEW: Radio Buttons on Import page

NEW:  Radio Buttons on Import page

There are now two ways of testing records in the Import table for duplicates.  When you first open the page it will do a First Name + Last Name check and display possible duplicates.  A radio button on the page allows you to do a more in-depth search that compares Names, Phone Numbers and Email Addresses.  This second option will take longer to display the results, but may find duplicates not caught by the first search performed when you opened the page.

Now you have a choice while searching for possible duplicate records.

No more Duplicate Records!

Our database just got SMARTER (thanks to Jim for some great programming)!

We know Duplicate Records drive you crazy!  Us too!

The Import page has been updated in two very important ways.  First, the page now checks for possible duplicate records between the Import table and the Referrals table by comparing the following fields: Client Email, Client Name (first and last combined), Home Phone, Work Phone and Cell Phone.

Also, there is now a link labeled ‘Yes-See Why’ which will open a page that displays the Referrals table record you can use for comparison and see what field(s) are causing the possible duplicate record. 

These changes should make it easier to identify possible duplicates and know the reason why prior to moving the record(s) to the Referrals table.

*Remember when adding a new record (not importing) on the Referrals List page, ReloSpec checks for the Client First Name and Client Last Name of the new record compared with all existing records and reports if there is a duplicate.  It will still ADD the record just entered.  It’s just that ReloSpec will let you know if there is another record or records that match.