Text Message feature is Enhanced

Exciting new ‘Text Message’ features are now available in your Relocation Specialist (ReloSpec) database!  In the past you have been able to send a Text Message by clicking the FORMS link, browse to ‘Text to Assigned Agent’, complete the text and SEND.  Now it is quicker and easier!  From the Referrals List grid, click the ‘TM’ link in the Assigned Agent Last Name field or the Referring Agent Last Name field and the Text Message page opens with the Text Address already entered.  Once the text has been sent, the text is added to the Notes table automatically!

But, it gets better.  Now you can schedule texts to be sent using Action Plans, and AutoPilot.  Do you want the AutoPilot to send a text to the agent, and schedule it in advance?  Now you can.  New buttons have been added to the Action Plan Items and the ToDo pages so that you can instantly insert the agent’s Text Address, then have AutoPilot send the text on the scheduled date!

All of this assumes you have the agent’s Text Address entered in the Agents table.  You’ll need to know the cell phone number and the service provider.  There is a handy list of service providers in the Agents table UPDATE page.  You’ll be combining the cell number + the service providers address.  For example, if the number is “4025906910” and the provider is AT&T then the Text Address would be 4025906910@txt.att.net.  Then, whenever the agent is selected from the Agents table, the Text Address is copied into the Referrals table record and is available for Action Plans or AutoPilot to use.

New Feature, Link Straight to Action Plans

There is now a new link below ‘To Do’ on the Referrals List page labeled ‘Action Plans’

That link will take you DIRECTLY to the Action Plans page and allows you to assign Action Plan Items without stopping at the To Do page first!

This was a suggestion from one of our users and we LOVED IT!  Keep the good ideas coming!


The Relocation Specialist Team

Titles in Action Plan Items

Adding titles to Action Plan Items is now possible in the CC: and the BCC: fields. 

The challenge was to allow users to enter specific email addresses, or to have a droplist of possible titles such as ‘Office Mgr’, which would remove the possibility of having the specific email address.  We figured out how to do both! 

Now you can enter a specific email address, or use the handy button that displays the possible titles and adds your selection.  So, for example, you can send an emailed assignment to the ‘Assigned Agt’ in the TO: field and have a copy of the email go to the ‘Office Mgr’ in the CC: field.

Action Plans for Multiple Records

Autopilots can be created for a group of referrals.  If you receive a group of referrals and want to wait until they are all entered or imported to set up your autopilots, you can do this through an action plan.

  1.  Set up your action plan to include any autopilots you want to send out, or any ticklers you want for those records.
  2. Use the search feature to search out the group of records you want to add the action plan to.  You can search by date or date range, by referral type or any other common field that those records possess.
  3. Once the search is completed, click on the todo’s and go to your action plans.
  4. Pick the action plan that you want to use for those records that were searched and scroll down to the second “add now” button and click it.
  5. This will add that action plan that you have chosen to all of the records that were in the search group.

There are webinars given about twice a month about action plans and how to create them.  The list of webinars are located on the Main Menu.