3 Helpful Hints

Here are three things that you may not know that will make it easier to login, better looking and help people respond to you!  (And who wouldn’t want to be better looking and noticed more?!)


Easier to login

By now, everyone should know the easiest way to login to ReloSpec is to go to MyReloSpec.com.  But, did you know you can add your ID and Password to the link?  With 1-click you can open ReloSpec AND be logged in!  To create a shortcut on your PC’s desktop, login to ReloSpec then right-click and click on ‘Create Shortcut’.  You’ll be asked if you want to create the shortcut to the ReloSpec page.  Click YES and the shortcut will be created.

Right-click the shortcut and at the end of what’s in the URL add:

?userid=DEMO&password=DEMOPASSWORD then click OK.  The URL will now read: https://www.relospeccloud.com/RELOSPEC/SQL/MAINMENU.ASP?userid=DEMO&password=DEMOPASSWORD

NOTE:  Replace “DEMO” with your actual ID and replace “DEMOPASSWORD” with your actual Password.  Now when you click the shortcut it will open ReloSpec and log you in automatically.

If you’re manually entering the shortcut, here’s a shorter way to do it.  Save the URL as MyReloSpec.com?userid=DEMO&password=DEMOPASSWORD   That works too!


Change your THEME

Are you tired of looking at the same old background colors and icons?  Why not change things up?  Those items are known as the ‘Color Theme’ and may be changed at any time by you.  From the Main Menu page click SETTINGS, USERS, click the pencil for your name and from the Color Theme droplist select the theme you want to use.  To view samples of the themes click the ‘View Choices’ button below the label.  Hint: the standard Color Theme for ReloSpec is “Ultra”.


Change/Update your Email Signature

Many of the ReloSpec FORMS use what is known as the Email Signature at the bottom of the outgoing email.  If you don’t have your Email Signature created or if it hasn’t been updated lately, you should check on it.  From the Main Menu, click SETTINGS, USERS and look in the Email Signature field about halfway down the right column.  Make changes as needed, or if it is blank, use the ‘Auto-Create’ button to have ReloSpec create the Email Signature for you, then click UPDATE CURRENT RECORD.

ReloSpec Emails, etc.

Since moving to our new cloud servers, we have improved security, reliability and response times.  We’re all happy for the improvements.  However, not everyone has had improved performance with emails sent from ReloSpec.  A small number of customers were having trouble getting the emails delivered.  Until now.

This morning the last of the expected changes were made for emails being sent from ReloSpec.  In the past you may have noticed the FROM field had “info@prosws.com” included.  That proved to be a temporary fix for ensuring the email would be delivered.  And, the REPLY TO field had the sender’s email address.  The idea is that if the recipient clicked the REPLY button, the email would be sent to whoever generated the first email.

Now, the sender’s email address is inserted into the FROM and the REPLY TO fields and all emails are being delivered.