Updated Reports and Browsers

As you may know we have been doing a lot of work lately with the way reports are found and displayed.  Reaction to the new REPORTS format has been great!  It makes it much easier for new ReloSpec users to find the report they need while the more experienced users can click the ‘VIEW ALL REPORTS’ button to see all the reports they’re used to seeing.

Today we’re announcing that small updates such as adding the ‘Agent Requested’ and ‘Agent Generated’ fields to the ‘Scorecard – Agent’ report (soon) will be made first to those reports included in the new groupings of reports in the REPORTS page.

In addition, we’re happy to announce that the ReloSpec reports are now supported in the following browsers:

  • Internet Explorer (IE)
  • Google Chrome
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Apple Safari

You may view the entire, unrestricted report in the browser of your choice.

The ReloSpec Team

New Reports Navigation Page in production

Yesterday we introduced the new REPORTS navigation page and the response has been very exciting.

We have finished the first draft of the REPORTS pages and have put them into production.  The reports are now organized into groups such as Agents, Offices, Referrals, Closed, Pending, etc.  Click the group and select from a listing of reports for that group.  Each report link has a brief description which helps you identify the one you want.

What if the report you use isn’t selected for the groups?  Click the ‘VIEW ALL REPORTS’ link on the first page to see all the reports you’re used to seeing.

What if you want to see your ‘Favorite’ reports you selected in the SETTINGS page?  Just click the ‘My Favorite Reports’ link and you’ll see them.

Thank you to all who have submitted suggestions for this project.  But, we’re not quite done yet.  It is likely there are a few reports that should be a part of the new pages.  Let us know what you think and we’ll do our best to help.

The ReloSpec Team

How To Navigate ReloSpec Reports?

Reports, reports, reports.  ReloSpec has many reports, and it is sometimes hard to find the one you want.  Because of continuing requests the number has grown and made finding the right report more difficult.

Over time we have tried to identify records by the report name, which works most of the time but not always.  And, sometimes the same report may work for different needs.

What to do?  We are working on a totally new approach to ReloSpec reports.  Whereas in the past you would navigate the reports mostly by name only, we now are working on groupings of reports by categories.  For example, there is an ‘Agent Reports’ page listing an abbreviated list of the most popular reports for agents.  Another for ‘Offices’ and so on.

But, we need your help.  This project is only just getting started and the final result will be based on input from you.  There are two general areas.

  1. What categories of reports should be have?
  2. Within each category, what specific reports are needed?

To get you started we have added a beginning page on the ReloSpec Main Menu.  At the very bottom of the page is a link labeled “reports”.  Click the link and you’ll see what has been started.  The idea is to get those creative juices flowing, so let us know your thoughts/suggestions.

We want to make ReloSpec Reports a positive feature again and your input will help us get there sooner.  We look forward to hearing from you.

New Report: Scorecard – Opportunities by Agent

We’re very excited about a new report that provides more information about your agent’s performance.  The Advanced report name is ‘Scorecard – Opportunities by Agent’ and is listed in your REPORTS page.

Why this new report?  You have always been able to generate a report based on referral records where the agent was assigned and stayed assigned.  But that is not always what happens.  If the Assigned Agent was changed to another agent you weren’t able to track what happened with the original agent.  Now you can, and it is all done for you automatically!

THIS IS A VERY BIG DEAL!  Each time you assign an agent, a new Note is added to the Agents Notes table (not the Referrals Notes table).  The [Disposition] is entered as “Assigned” and ReloSpec knows to which referral record.  Once the agent accepts the assignment using one of the ‘AutoAssign’ forms, in addition to everything else, ReloSpec adds an Agents Notes record noting that it was “Accepted”.  Or, if the agent rejects the assignment, we track that along with the reason given by the agent!

So, now when the agent asks you why you don’t assign anything to him/her, you can run this new report and have ALL the results at your fingertips!

Click here to view a sample of this new report.  Notice it displays all Agents Notes and the disposition for each.  They are grouped by Referral record number, Client Last Name and Transaction Address.  You may run the report for any date range.  (Year-to-date is the default)

NOTE: ReloSpec began creating the Agents Notes this morning, so it will take a few days or weeks to build up the data needed for your report.  But, it is all in progress now and you didn’t have to do a thing!