Now You Can Send Responses Directly To Notes!

A new option has been added to the ReloSpec Users table that will allow individual users to designate if they want their Responses to go directly to the Notes table.  By clicking YES in this new field, all responses for the most popular FORMS will be sent to the Notes table and will bypass the Responses table.

This option isn’t for everybody.  It depends on the volume of responses and the need to get them to the most convenient place in the database.  This option will work well for you if the responses volume is high and you don’t want to have to go to the Responses page and process the responses so that you can look at all responses for a given Referral record together in the Notes table.  For those who want to view the responses in the Responses page first and then process as needed you should not change the setting in the Users table.

If you want to enable this ‘responses bypass’ do the following.  From the Main Menu page, click Utility Settings, Users, select the record you want, click the pencil to edit, and in the field labeled: “Send Updates Directly to Notes?” change the droplist to YES.

Introducing AutoPilot Express; Send AutoPilots Without Logging In!

Today we are announcing AutoPilot Express.  It is one of the most significant features in the history of Relocation Specialist!  ReloSpec can now send your AutoPilots for you even if you have not logged in.  Do you have AutoPilot emails that need to be sent on the weekend or on days that you’re not working?  How would you like to have them sent for you automatically?

Imagine the time this will save you!  You can schedule update requests from agents or even schedule reports to be sent to your agents or managers, then have AutoPilot Express send them on the date they’re due.

How does this feature work?  We’ll add your name and other details to the AutoPilot Express Users page.  AutoPilot Express looks up the names on the list and runs the AutoPilots for each individual.  The process is repeated every hour throughout the day.  Let us know if you want to get a confirmation email each time the AutoPilots are sent.  The email will have your UserName and the total number of AutoPilots processed in the last hour.  (The default setting is to NOT get an email each hour.)

How do I get started?  Just let us know you want to use AutoPilot Express, and we’ll get it set up.  We’ll need your Database Name and name(s) of the User(s) who want this service turned on for them.  Just send an email to and ask for AutoPilot Express.

How much does this cost?  It’s FREE!!!  We want everyone who wants this exciting feature to be able to use it without paying more to get it.  Just let us know and we’ll set you up!

New ‘Competitor’ Report is Now Available

On August 1st we announced the new ‘Competitor’ link that allows you to enter the competitor’s Name, Agent Name, List Date, Sale Date, List Price and Sale Price for individual records.  Today we’re announcing the availability of the ‘Competitor’ report.

This new (Advanced) report allows you to enter the date range and filter for Office(s) and displays your Office, Agent, Client, List Date, Sale Price and the five Competitor fields for each record.  The first day of the current year is the default Begin Date.  Because this is an Advanced report you may export the report to a PDF file if you want to save it or email it to someone else.

Enhanced SEND Button; Introducing the GUEST Database

When someone says they want to send you a referral, you should be asking, “Do you use ReloSpec?”.  Why?  Because you’ll want them to use the SEND button.  Why?  Because you avoid re-entering the referral record!

Save time by asking the other broker to SEND the referral to you using the SEND button.  All they do is select the record, click SEND, enter your Database ID (found in heading of Referrals List page) and click the SUBMIT button.  The record is instantly in your Import table where you can review it, or with the click of a button you can move it into your Referrals List page and start working it.

What if you want to SEND a record to someone else?  Select the record, click the SEND button and you can look up the other broker by SEARCHing for their name, city/state they work in and other criteria.  COPY and PASTE the Database ID and SUBMIT.  ReloSpec will automatically generate an email to the Contact to let them know the record has been sent!

But, what if they don’t use ReloSpec?  No problem!  Click the SEND button and send it to the GUEST database.  ReloSpec will insert the record into their GUEST database where they can login and view the records sent to them from you and other ReloSpec users.  An ID/Password will be created automatically and included in an email that gets generated automatically and is sent to them.  Then, anytime they want they can go to, and login using the ID/Password.  They can select a record and use the SEND UPDATE button to let you know the latest.

To see a demo of the GUEST database go to and login using for the ID/Password.

To see the latest Training Video on using the SEND button, click here.


Quick EMAIL Buttons, Enhanced!

Many of you have used the Quick EMAIL buttons on the Referrals List grid.  It’s a great way to quickly create an email to the selected person (ie. Contact, Client, Assigned Agt, Ref Agt) and have the email content automatically saved in the Notes for that record.

But now, there is an additional helpful feature.  At the bottom of the EMAIL page, there are two checkboxes.  Checking the first one will automatically insert the ‘Incoming Information Sheet’ in the body of the email.  Checking the second one will automatically insert a pre-selected Body Of Letter into the email body.

Let’s say you’ve just updated something within a record and you want to let the agent know.  From the grid, click the EMAIL button next to the Assigned Agt Last Name, enter what you want to say in the email and check the first checkbox.  The email, with the Incoming Information Sheet will be sent to the agent and the transaction recorded in the Notes.  What could be easier?

TRY IT: To see what the agent would get try sending it to yourself.  Select a record, click the EMAIL button, change the email address to your email address, check the first checkbox and SEND.

To see the Training Video for the Quick EMAIL Buttons, click here.

ReloSpec’s Most Popular Reports (and Forms too!)

Need help finding the right report?  There’s been a lot of talk lately about finding and publishing the best ReloSpec report for the right people.  Want to know what others are using?

We have added a new radio button to the REPORTS page labeled “Most Popular”, and when you open the page it defaults to displaying ReloSpec’s most popular reports.  The list may be updated from time to time depending on new reports that get released and what people are using.  But, it’s a short list of reports that may give you just what you need.

You still have the options you had before for “My Favorites” and “All Reports”, as well as “Advanced”, “Standard” and “Miscellaneous”.

And, the new Scheduled Reports feature allows you to select WHICH REPORT to be sent to WHOM and WHEN.  Are you using this new feature yet?  As always, if you need help with finding or sending the right report(s), just let us know.

By the way, very soon you’ll see the same three options on the FORMS page; “Most Popular”, “My Favorites” and “All Forms”.

Need to Keep An Eye on the Competition?

We know that some of you keep track of the competition and especially those brokers to whom you may lose a deal.  Now you can keep all the information you need in a convenient page linked to the referral record.

There is a new link on the left side of the Referrals List page labeled “Competitor”.  Just click that link, fill in the information you want and click UPDATE.  The fields include Broker Name, Agent Name, (their) List Date, Sale Date, List Price and Sale Price.

We’re adding the Competitor Name to the far right side of the Referrals List grid so you’ll be able to see it there too, if you like.  And, soon you’ll see a new report that will display the Competitor fields along with other important fields such as Dead Date and Dead Reason.

So, now you can have the information that may help you win more deals!