Constellation Real Estate Group (CREG) launches a new website for all CREG products

Visit our new CREG website:

Do you know what CREG does?
The Constellation Real Estate Group acquires and invests in real estate software brands that are committed to providing long-term solutions and partnerships with franchises, brokers, agents, MLSs, and associations. Our ecosystem of market-leading technology solutions was designed specifically for the real estate industry through our brands.

Over 500,000 real estate agents, teams, and brokerages across North America rely on the Constellation Real Estate Group’s products and services to power, manage, and grow their businesses.

Marketing and Lead Generation
Lead and Relationship Management 
Transaction Management 
Accounting and Commissions

Schedule an appointment to discuss potential system CREG integrations for your brokerage.



Update to AutoAssign Headers in Action Plans?

It was brought to our attention that our AutoAssign forms currently display different headers at the top of the email, depending on which AutoAssign you use.   Some display, Referral Assignment,  (like below) while others display, Referral Confirmation.  We have a request to change all of them to display the words, Referral Agreement, as it is a more accurate reflection of the form, Let us know if this is a problem.



ReloSpec integrations with FiveStreet, OpCity, LeadRouter, and Lone Wolf

Happy New Year, everyone!

Our development team can use your help.   We are either working on evaluating or finalizing integrations for users of FiveStreet, OpCity, LeadRouter, and LoneWolf.    So can you take a moment and let us know if this can help you and your business.   Just go here and fill our simple form to let us know.    It will help us in making decisions and getting more integrations launched for you.