Scheduled Reports: What’s a GUID and why should I care?

The new Scheduled Reports are an increasingly popular way of having AutoPilot send the reports you want sent to selected people at specific times.  One of the more popular uses of this feature is to send the ‘Activity, Grouped by Office’ report to individual Office Managers, and limit the report to ONLY the records for a specific office.

Introducing the GUID (Globally Unique ID).  A GUID (pronounced: GOO-id) is a unique 36 character combination of letters, numbers and dashes associated with each record.  They are necessary to differentiate Offices (or Agents) without revealing the Office Name on the URL.  For example if you clicked the link in an email that said, “Click here to open the report”, the report would open in a new Internet window, however without the GUID, the URL address would include something like “…Office=Omaha&…”.  Upon seeing that the Manager could substitute something like “…Office=Lincoln&…” and view records from another office.  Not good.

So, instead of revealing the Office Name in the URL we include the GUID, and get something like “…Office=8C79D39D-11F5-432A-B330-4FFDB1A4F3B9“.  It looks confusing to you and me, but ReloSpec reads and understands them perfectly!

The Agents and the Offices pages now have radio buttons used to either SHOW or HIDE the GUID for each record.  Why should you care?  Typically you won’t, until you need to build the Body Of Letter to limit the Office Manager to viewing only their office’s records.

If it all this seems confusing, don’t worry, be happy, and contact a member of the ReloSpec Team for help with building your Scheduled Reports.

Scheduled Reports & Agent Access; Need Help?

Many new features have been added lately and you may be wondering how you’re going to get things setup.  Need a helping hand?  Why not let the ReloSpec Team help you get started?

Agent Access
Let us know which agents you want to have their own Read-Only access to their records and we’ll create the IDs/Passwords.  We’ll email the list back to you and you can let the agents know.  Then, they can login to anytime, view their records, provide updates and send new referral records to you 24/7.  You can change their IDs/Passwords anytime or delete them from your Users table as needed.

Scheduled Reports
It’s as easy as 1-2-3.  Send us a list of 1) Which Report goes to 2) Which Email Address(es) and 3) When To Send and we’ll set up the first ones for you.  Need help selecting the right report(s)?  Let us know and we’ll help.  Send a copy of the current ‘final’ report you’re using and we’ll match it to the ReloSpec report that best fits your needs.

Let us know how we can help you!

Save Time With Scheduled Reports

Are you spending a lot of time generating ReloSpec reports, then needing to distribute them to others?  Use the ‘Scheduled Reports’ feature to save time and effort!

With Scheduled Reports you identify which report(s) go to whom on what date and let the ReloSpec AutoPilot do the rest for you.  Create a separate Referrals table record to which you’ll assign the AutoPilots.  Each AutoPilot (ToDo table record) will have the date, addressee, the form name (‘Custom Letter (blank)’) and the Body of Letter that identifies which report to send.

If it sounds a little complicated, it’s not.  Check out the new Training Video for ‘Scheduled Reports’ (7 1/2 minutes), and as always, your ReloSpec support team is ready to help you save time.  Just let us know.

We All Need GOALS! (And new fields to enable the Goals)

Goals are good.  They give us something to work for.  And, now in ReloSpec you can enter Goals for Agents and Goals for the Company.  AND, have the Reports to quickly and easily show the percent achieved!

For the Agents, simply select the agent from the Agents table, click the pencil and enter the goals in the fields in the right column.  Fields include Total Listed, Total # Closed, Total Agent Generated, Conversion Rate Percent, Total Outgoing, Average BMA Variance and Average DOM.  Once the goals have been set, at any time you can run the new ‘Scorecard – Agent Goals’ report and see the results for the agent!  Though there is some tweaking to be done to the report you can get the idea by viewing the sample report.

For the Company, go to the Utility Settings page and click the link for ‘Goals’.  Click the pencil to update the fields with your company goals for the year.  You’ll see there are fields for: Total Listed, Total # Closed, Total Outgoing Placed, Outgoing Placed In Network, Outgoing Closed and Outgoing Closed in Network.  Soon there will be a Company Report that will display the Goals and the percent achieved YTD or for any date range you want!

Especially for CARTUS Brokers 
For those ReloSpec users who are Cartus Brokers the Company Goals page has 30(!) additional fields so that you can set goals for USAA, HES, NFCU and other Cartus-exclusive fields.  The upcoming ‘Scorecard – Company Goals’ report will display the goals and the YTD results, or for any date range you want!

New Fields To Enable The Goals
In order to get the results for the new Goals feature it was necessary to add a few new fields to the ReloSpec Referrals List page and the Closing page.  There are 3 new fields; 2 in the Closing page and 1 in the Referrals List page.  In the Closing page there is now the ‘Pending Sale u/d Date’ and the ‘Final Sale u/d Date’ fields.  For Cartus brokers especially it is important to track the amount of time between the Contract Date and the date and update is provided, as well as the time between the Close Date and the Final Sale update is provided; hence the new fields.  In the Referrals List page it is important to know if a given record is within the ‘Network’ and that is why there is now a checkbox for ‘In Network?’.

The Referral Types field is now SMARTER
In the past, once you selected a Referral Type, the Subtype and the Buyer/Seller/Renter fields were updated automatically.  ReloSpec looks at the Referral Type found in the Referral Types table (in Utility Settings), sees the accompanying fields and updates them for you.  Now, in addition to those fields, the Referral Type can also determine whether or not the record is ‘In Network?’ as well as update the Referral Source field.  This will be especially important for Cartus brokers.  It is expected that the Referral Source field will contain entries for “USAA”, “HES” or “NFCU” so that the new ‘Scorecard – Company Goals’ report will be able to get the proper results.  Be sure to check out the new Training Video for Referral Types for more information.

June & July Web Seminars Are Available

Invest just 30 minutes now, then save tons of time later!  The ReloSpec Web Seminars are a great way to learn about great features in a short amount of time.  And, the updated schedule includes a couple new Seminars.

The Thursday, June 6th Seminar is about the new Agent Access feature announced last week.  Learn how to create IDs/Passwords for your Agents to provide them with Read-Only access to records you assign to them.  Allow them to provide updates, read “Public” Notes and submit new outgoing referrals!  The Seminar and the new feature is FREE!

The Tuesday, June 11th Seminar is about the new ‘Scheduled Reports’ feature.  (Announcement to be blogged here tomorrow!)  Learn how to schedule which reports you want sent to whom and when, then let AutoPilot do the work for you!  Again, the Seminar and the new feature is FREE!

Check out all the Web Seminars by clicking here and register for as many as you like.