ReloSpec FORMS are getting Smarter

Often ReloSpec users will need to send one of the FORMS pages to an agent or contact.  The quickest and easiest way to do that is to select the record in the Client List page, click FORMS, browse to the one you want, insert an email address and click SEND.  Easy!

But, then to document what you just did, you need to click NOTES, Add New, enter the info and click ADD NEW RECORD.

Now, ReloSpec forms are getting smarter.  Select the record, click FORMS and SEND it.  Then, ReloSpec will automatically add the note for you!  It will record the Date/Time, Who sent it, What was sent and to what Email Address.  We are now in the process of updating all the ReloSpec forms, and have started with the most-used ones.  If there is a form you use often that is not yet upgraded just let us know ( and we’ll move it to the top of the list.

Smarter forms will help make things faster and easier for you!

Need help updating email addresses?

Recently Brookfield Global Relocation changed their name to BGRS.  If you have multiple records in your Contacts table with people from BGRS you’ll need to change their email addresses from something like to

We can help with that.  If you have any such records, let Jim Evans know by emailing him at  He has created an update utility that will perform the update you.  No charge.  But, let him know by the end of this month so it can be scheduled.

Emails are working

Our email service provider reports that the ReloSpec emails are now being delivered and all email functions are working properly.  Thank you for your patience during the brief interruption.